Podcast Episode

073 – Setting a Facebook Thumbnail Image

Thank you for those who left reviews in iTunes. It makes my day and motivates me to create the best podcast I can. If you haven’t had a chance to leave feedback, take the next 3 minutes and let me know what you think about the show.


WordPress News
WordPress 3.3.2 is now available: <http://wordpress.org/news” target=”_blank”>wordPress.org/news
Flshback Trojan on Mac OSX came from Hijacked WP blogs: http://securitywatch.pcmag.com/malware/296886-flashback-spread-via-hijacked-wordpress-blogs

Resources I use
Make sure you check out the resources section on Your Website Engineer site to see all the tools and services that I use to run my business. These are my favorites and I highly endorse everythin on the list.

Listener Feedback

Question from Marianne
If I update my theme will my modifications in any of the theme’s contents that I don’t have in my child theme disappear/break? In my child theme I have a style.css file but I have made other modifications in the original theme’s header.php and also dropped a favicon.ico in the original theme’s main directory. Should I be making a header.php file in the child theme?

Basically any file that is not in the child theme is susceptible to disappear when a theme gets updated. I don’t know exactly how you have things set up, but I would recommend moving all of your custom changes to your child theme.

Question from Andy
I have been working on a project lately and was wondering if there are any chat plugins you would recommend for wordpress, that is like a chat room and only registered members can view. I would prefer it to be like a bar on the bottom of the screen but it doesn’t have to be. I have seen so many plugins that I don’t know which one would be the best. Again, thank you for all the help you have provide me and my xbox group.

Probably the best solution is to add BuddyPress to your WordPress site. You can use BuddyPress to control your registered users. Then you can install the Buddypress-Ajax-Chat plugin to add a chat feature.

Audio Question from J. Christopher
How to set up a Facebook thumbnail image.
Method #1:

  • Find an image you want to use to represent your site. You could use a logo, an image from the site, or even a screenshot.
  • Before you upload the screenshot, use some image software to crop and edit it just the way you want it to look on the site. For loading purposes, I’d shink it down to 250px wide or less and compress it.
  • Upload the image. It’s best if you upload it to the actual website you’re generating a preview for.
  • Add a image source meta tag to the head of your document.

The tag looks like this:

< link rel="image_src"href="http://site.com/image.jpg">

Method #2:
Add this code to thesis custom_functions.php file or your child theme’s functions.php file:

function add_facebook_open_graph_tags() {
  if (is_single()) {
      global $post;
      $image = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'thesis_post_image', $single = true);
      if (!$image)
<meta property="og:title" content="<?php the_title(); ?>" />
<meta property="og:type" content="article" />
<meta property="og:image" content="<?php echo $image; ?>" />
<meta property="og:url" content="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" />
<meta property="og:description" content="<?php echo 
get_bloginfo('description'); ?>" />
<meta property="og:site_name" content="<?php echo get_bloginfo('name'); ?>" />
<meta property="fb:admins" content="ENTER YOUR FACEBOOK USER ID HERE" />
    <?php }
add_action('wp_head', 'add_facebook_open_graph_tags',99);

Method #3:
Facebook Meta Tags Plugin

Helpful hints:

  • Facebook caches the preview images, so if you recently tried to generate a preview and you’re still not having luck try waiting.
  • Adding an img_src share preview image may take away the ability to let users select from various images when sharing your site. This code tells sites which image to chose rather than gives the user some options.

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    • BobbyT65 Reply

      Dustin,  I have a similar question.  I would like to add an RSS button to my page that allows people to link to my RSS Feed. http://www.forsythchurchofchrist.net/feed .  I am using the AddThis plugin for Facebook Like, Twitter Tweeting,… but there is no RSS button available in that plugin.  The only plugins I can find are for putting other RSS feeds on your site.

      Apr 25, 2012
      • dhartzler10 Reply

         @BobbyT65 Hmm, I’m not sure if there is a good plugin to do that. I always just link an image to the RSS feed with simple HTML code, that shows up on every page, such as in the header, footer or sidebar.  Most people don’t know what RSS means or how it works, so I think that’s why they don’t include it as part of the social plugins.

        Apr 25, 2012
    • mrthomasfrank Reply

      Could you explain more on the child themes?  I looked over the website link it isn’t very clear how to create them or put in my custom theme modifications….

      Apr 26, 2012
      • dhartzler10 Reply

         @mrthomasfrank It’ll have to be an entire show devoted to child themes. I still have to learn a little bit about them, but I know it’s a lengthy discussion to talk about.

        Apr 26, 2012
        • mrthomasfrank Reply

           @dhartzler10 Great!  please include some screen shots as well.  

          Apr 27, 2012

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